Saturday, May 19, 2012

A flat roof is most suitable for commercial buildings in Winston-Salem, NC

Commercial building owners need a roofing option that is both durable and cost-effective, and with a flat roof, they can have both. Some may think it does not make a lot of sense installing a flat roof as it may be prone to leaks. Actually, flat roofs are waterproof leak-free.

Commercial flat roofing is a highly viable option for commercial building owners. It gives them a durable, waterproof roof with spending so much. In addition, a flat roof is even suitable for a variety of climates.

In an area like Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and Triad where the rainfall is moderate, a flat roof is most suitable. Also, commercial flat roof installers will recommend a flat roof in places where there is no freezing. As you can see, when the temperature drops below freezing, freezing water expands the brick and concrete. When this happens, concrete and bricks are now susceptible to breakage.

Compared to traditional roofing, installing a commercial flat roof does not require a lot of people and a lot of materials to work on it. This is very appealing because as far as commercial building owners are concerned, the fewer the materials and labor cost, the bigger the savings.

Flat roofing usually uses two materials, TPO and EPDM. These materials can last up to three decades. The lifespan of these materials will become longer if the roof is properly maintained. Installing and maintaining a commercial flat roof requires the expertise of roofing experts. With their services, you can be assured that your roof will be installed and maintained properly.

Today’s building standards have included provisions for environment friendly building practices and materials. A flat roof made up of TPO and EPDM will surely conform to these standards. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hiring commercial roof installers in Winston-Salem, NC

Roofing for commercial buildings is not to be taken lightly and this should be handled by commercial roof installers. The bottom line here is this, do we allow inexperienced roofing contractors to handle a serious matter or not? Obviously, it goes without saying that we certainly don’t want this to happen. By hiring roofing experts for our commercial flat roofing, we can be assured that the project will be done right and as a result, our investment is protected and we can sleep well at night.

As commercial building owners, we need to realize that our decision what roofing material to use and which roof installer to hire will have an impact on our costs and whether or not will support green building initiatives and standards in the Greensboro NC and Triad areas.

Factors to consider

Proven record – it is wise to select commercial roof installers who have years of experience. This will tell us of their expertise and performance. To establish a proven record, we should ask for feedbacks from a roofing company’s previous clients. We should seek reviews from building experts found in the internet or in magazines.

BBB registration – checking with the Better Business Bureau will ensure that a particular roofing company is legitimate. This will also help you know if there are complaints filed against a certain roofing company. If a company has a lot of complaints, then we should cross that one off our list.

Bids and estimates – for any construction project including roofing, we should get estimates and bids from commercial roof installers. We should compare them and try to find a reasonable cost. Remember not to go for the lowest option. The workmanship may be sub-standard.

For a worry-free roofing project, it is better to hire experienced roofing experts. Their expertise and experience made them a specialist and afforded them to build a solid reputation as one of the most reliable roofing contractors in the Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and Triad area.

To help you achieve your roofing goals, consult with experienced commercial roof installers. They will provide you with competent information and reliable workmanship that will protect your investment for the years to come.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

What to look for when hiring roofing contractors in Winston-Salem NC

When we have a roofing project, whether a replacement, repair or a new installation, we should be careful in hiring roofing contractors. We should carefully look into their capabilities and determine if they are indeed reliable.

The following points will help us select the right roofing contractor for our roofing project:

Permanent business name and address – this is one of the characteristics of a legitimate business company. When they have a permanent business name and address, you can easily locate them and present to them your complaints if ever you have any. This is something posers, people that pretend to be roofing contractors, don’t have and will vanish when they receive the downpayment.

Roofing manufacturers and warrantees – it is a sound idea to ask for a list of the manufacturers of the products the contractor are using. Discuss warrantees as well and also the conditions that will void the warrantees. Some roofing materials require specific application expertise. Be sure to check if the roofing company is certified and qualified.

Proved record – trusted roofing companies in the Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and the Triad area should be able to present their reputation as roofing professionals. They should be able to give you references of their past projects whom you can ask for feedback. 

Written estimates and proposal – we should make it a point to ask for an estimate and project proposal from roofing contractors. If they are competent enough, they should be able to provide you these. In these documents, they will present the materials they are going to use for the project, the proposed duration of the project, licenses and permits, downpayment and their project bid.

Selecting the right roofing contractor will surely take some time and effort on your part. Doing so will give you the assurance that what the contractor proposed to do will be done. This way, your roofing project will be completed as agreed upon. 

Remember, finding trusted roofing contractors may take some time and effort but it’s all worth it.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Popularity of commercial flat roofing is rising in Winston-Salem

If you are a business owner in the Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and Triad area and thinking of constructing your own commercial building, consider commercial flat roofing. This roofing option is very applicable to commercial buildings. This is also very appealing to business owners since it possess the features they are looking for in a roofing material.

Flat roofing features

Selecting the right roofing material is very important. It helps business owners achieve their goals of providing protection to their investment and free them of worries they may have about the roof above their heads. A damaged roof with all its problems is very annoying and bothersome.

Commercial roof installers highly recommend flat roofing materials such as TPO and EPDM. These are roofing materials suitable for a commercial flat roof. They possess the following features and benefits:

  • Easy installation – TPO and EPDM are easy to apply. They come with a factory applied tape. This tape makes the installation easy.
  • Savings – since commercial flat roofing is easy to install, the cost of labor will significantly be reduced of up to 75%.
  • Adaptability – the material that makes up TPO and EPDM can adapt to changing weather and climate. This makes it ideal for any type of climate
  • Low maintenance – TPO and EPDM does not require much maintenance even if they are damaged
  • Durability – one reason why commercial flat roofers recommend commercial flat roofing is its durability. It can last up to 50 years.

With proper maintenance from commercial flat roofers, the lifespan of your commercial flat roof will be increased. These benefits and features make commercial flat roofing very appealing, suitable and ideal for commercial buildings.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

A rubber roof is a great eco-friendly option in Winston-Salem, NC

Most people don’t know or realize that a rubber roof is very beneficial. Whether you are building your home or a commercial building in the Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and Triad area, you will find that a rubber roof answers your every need.

For starters, rubber roofing systems are durable, waterproof and leak-free, provides great insulation, requires little maintenance and lightweight. Since it is very light, it can easily be transported and moved around. This will translate to lesser work time and labor costs.

Rubber roof options

Depending on our needs or wants, we have the option to go for a whole rubber roofing system or use rubber shingles. Whole rubber roof means our entire roof is covered by the rubber roofing material. On the other hand, rubber shingles looks very similar to traditional roofing shingles. The main difference is its weight. Rubber shingles are arguably considered as the lightest roofing material available in the market today.


Rubber roofing is quite expensive compared to other roofing materials but when compared to metal roofing, it is more affordable. However, your initial cost of installing a rubber roof is nullified by how long it lasts and how little it costs to maintain.

These are the advantages a rubber roof has over other roofing options that commercial roofing contractors are fond of.

There is no doubt that roofing is very important. A reliable roofing material properly installed by commercial roofing contractors will not only give better protection but will also add more value to our homes and commercial buildings.