Saturday, May 12, 2012

What to look for when hiring roofing contractors in Winston-Salem NC

When we have a roofing project, whether a replacement, repair or a new installation, we should be careful in hiring roofing contractors. We should carefully look into their capabilities and determine if they are indeed reliable.

The following points will help us select the right roofing contractor for our roofing project:

Permanent business name and address – this is one of the characteristics of a legitimate business company. When they have a permanent business name and address, you can easily locate them and present to them your complaints if ever you have any. This is something posers, people that pretend to be roofing contractors, don’t have and will vanish when they receive the downpayment.

Roofing manufacturers and warrantees – it is a sound idea to ask for a list of the manufacturers of the products the contractor are using. Discuss warrantees as well and also the conditions that will void the warrantees. Some roofing materials require specific application expertise. Be sure to check if the roofing company is certified and qualified.

Proved record – trusted roofing companies in the Winston-Salem, Greensboro NC and the Triad area should be able to present their reputation as roofing professionals. They should be able to give you references of their past projects whom you can ask for feedback. 

Written estimates and proposal – we should make it a point to ask for an estimate and project proposal from roofing contractors. If they are competent enough, they should be able to provide you these. In these documents, they will present the materials they are going to use for the project, the proposed duration of the project, licenses and permits, downpayment and their project bid.

Selecting the right roofing contractor will surely take some time and effort on your part. Doing so will give you the assurance that what the contractor proposed to do will be done. This way, your roofing project will be completed as agreed upon. 

Remember, finding trusted roofing contractors may take some time and effort but it’s all worth it.

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